Topical Map Creator (SEO)

Free tool to instantly create visually attractive Topical Maps

Topical Map Creator (SEO) is an online free tool designed to help you explore and understand complex topical maps. With this tool, you can effortlessly transform your data into visually stunning and informative representations, allowing you to uncover hidden patterns, relationships, and insights.

Whether you’re an agency or freelancer seeking to impress clients with captivating visual storytelling or a marketer aiming to build thoughtful, data-driven narratives, our Topical Map Creator empowers you to unlock the full potential of your data through intuitive and powerful visualizations, ensuring your message resonates with clarity and impact.

Types of visualization


Force Directed

Force-directed graphs employ simulated forces of attraction and repulsion to position nodes (representing topics) based on their connections. This approach naturally highlights clusters and relationships within your data, enabling you to quickly identify central themes and their interconnections.


Radial Dendrogram

Radial dendrograms offer a circular representation of hierarchical tree structures, with the root topic positioned at the center and child topics radiating outwards in concentric rings. This layout provides a compact and space-efficient way to display complex topical maps.

Topical Map Creator

Label Settings

Shifts the view, so the graph is centered at this location.

Attracts (+) or repels (-) nodes to/from each other.

Prevents nodes from overlapping

Acts like gravity. Pulls all points towards an X location.

Acts like gravity. Pulls all points towards a Y location.

Sets link length


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