A Guide to Building a Grammatical and Spelling Website Checker in Python

In the digital era, the quality of website content plays a pivotal role in creating a positive user experience and maintaining a professional online presence. Grammatical and spelling errors not only undermine credibility but can also lead to misunderstandings. In this blog, we will explore the process of creating a powerful Grammatical and Spelling Website Checker using Python.

By leveraging Python’s versatility and a set of essential libraries, we can build a tool that not only crawls through a website but also assesses the grammatical and spelling correctness of its content. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses, bloggers, content creators and marketers striving for flawless web communication.


Before diving into the code, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

Step 1: Setting up the Environment

Install the necessary Python libraries for web crawling, text processing, and language checking:

This section imports necessary libraries and modules for web crawling (requests, BeautifulSoup), handling Excel files (openpyxl), working with URLs (urllib.parse), disabling SSL warnings (urllib3), and checking grammar and spelling (language_tool_python). The line sys.setrecursionlimit(3000) sets a higher recursion limit to accommodate deep recursion during web crawling.

Step 2: Defining Initial Variables

Create a Python script, let’s call it website_checker.py, and start writing the code. You can use any text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) of your choice.

Step 3: Creating Excel Workbook and Worksheet

We create a new Excel workbook using openpyxl and set up the active worksheet (ws_internal) where we’ll store the results.

Step 4: Defining Headers for the Excel File

We define the column headers for our Excel file, which include details like URL, Rule ID, Message, and so on. These headers will help organize the information in the Excel sheet.

Step 5: Signal Handler for Interrupt Signal

This section sets up a signal handler to capture the interrupt signal (Ctrl+C). It ensures that if the user interrupts the program, the Excel file will be saved before exiting.

This covers the initial setup and preparation for building the Grammatical and Spelling Website Checker. The subsequent components will delve into the core functionalities such as crawling the website, checking grammar and spelling, and saving the results.

Step 6: Defining the Crawler Function

This function, crawl_website, is the core of the script. It performs the following actions:

  • Checks if the URL has been visited or matches skip patterns.
  • Verifies if the URL belongs to the same domain.
  • Sends a GET request to the URL, retrieves the HTML content, and parses it using BeautifulSoup.
  • Checks if the URL is internal and meets the specified pattern.
  • Extracts the text content from the page and checks for grammar and spelling errors using LanguageTool.
  • Appends the error information to the Excel worksheet and saves the file.
  • Recursively crawls the internal links on the page.

Full Code

Here’s the full code for your reference:


By combining web crawling, natural language processing, and data storage capabilities, this Python script provides a valuable resource for maintaining high-quality and error-free textual content on websites. The script can be further extended with additional features such incorporating more advanced language processing tools, or scan only specific parts such as <body> tag etc.

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